Montpellier, Bibliothèque interuniversitaire Historique de Médecine, H 409

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Psalterium romanum cum interpretationibus

Parchment — — Mondsee — s. VIII2 (before 788)

Support: The codex is made of of sexterniones (ff. 1-330); f. 1 is a singleton (Unterkircher suggested it was originally placed before f. 17); the first leaf of quire 10 missing (between ff. 121 and 122); Ff. 331-346 are two quaterniones without quire marks Quire marks in the lower margin of the last verso of quires 1-25 in roman numerals in red ink. Modern foliation in the upper right corner of every recto, counting f. 321 twice.

Layout: Written space: 182 × 107 mm Ruled in hardpoint on the flesh side, three bifolia at a time. Vertical double lines on both sides of the columns; the x-height of text lines defined with double lines.

Script: Lowe described the script (CLA VI, 795.)
The first hand writes ff. 3r-22v. As observed by Bischoff this scribe wrote also the Epistulae Pauli (Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. Ser. n. 2065). The second hand continued with ff. 23r-330v. Description by Natalie Maag, Bischoff. The third is responsible for the later added part.

Binding: Modern leather binding.

History: The manuscript was probably written in the Mondsee Abbey for a member of the royal family. — The litanies added on ff. 331-346 suggests that the manuscript was at the nunnery of Notre-Dame de Soissons before 794 (mentioned are Pope Adrian (d. 795) and queen Fastrade (d. 794), spose of Charlemagne). A prayer at the end of the litany also mentined the name of Charlemagne's daughter, Rotrude (d. 810), who became a nun at Soissons. Probably already in the first half of the 9th c. the manuscript was at the Abbey of Saint-Germain d'Auxerre, where the text on f. 1r was added. According to Guy Lobrichon the transfer was made by the intermediance of bishop Heribald or thanks to count Conrad (Guy Lobrichon, ‘L'atelier auxerrois’, in L’école carolingienne d’Auxerre: de Murethach à Rémi, 830-908, ed. Dominique Iogna-Prat, Colette Jeudy, and Guy Lobrichon (Paris: Beauchesne, 1991), 59–69, 68, n. 10). The manuscript later belonged to the Bouhier family (see ex libris on the title page: "CODEX MS Bibliothecae Buherianae E. 69 MDCCXXI"). Later the manuscript passed to Clairvaux, then to Troyes, and finally to Montpellier (CLA VI, 795).

Selected literature:Unterkircher 1974CLA VI, 795. — Lobrichon 1991, p. 68, n. 10.

Abreviated Literature:

CLAElias Avery Lowe. Codices Latini Antiquiores. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1917-1971.
Lobrichon 1991Lobrichon, Guy. ‘L'atelier auxerrois’. In L’école carolingienne d’Auxerre: de Murethach à Rémi, 830-908. Ed. Dominique Iogna-Prat, Colette Jeudy, and Guy Lobrichon. 59–69. Paris: Beauchesne, 1991.
Unterkircher 1974Unterkircher, Franz. Die Glossen des Psalters von Mondsee. Spicilegium Friburgense. Texte zur Geschichte des kirchlichen Lebens 20. Freiburg: Universutätsverlag, 1974.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'Montpellier, Bibliothèque interuniversitaire Historique de Médecine, H 409' ( last change: ).