Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1193 (olim: Rec. 3301 Lunael. f. 44)

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Quattuor evangelia cum Capitulare Evangeliorum

Parchment — 128 fol. fols. — Mondsee — s. IX1 (add. s. XI)

The manuscript contains apart from the four gospels, the Eusebian canon tables - providing the concordance between the gospels; the capitulare at the beginning records the readings from the gospels during mass throughout the whole year --(NB! to compare with the Homiliarium in Cod. 1557, Cod. 1014 - if the readings match the homilies order there. Cod. 1557 was supposedly copied from Clm 14386 written in or around Regensburg - if the readings match, the collection might have originated in Mondsee - not very probable though). Readings begins for the time of Christmas, February, March, then with rubric "Incipiunt lectiones euangelii a septuagisima [!] usque in pascha". Possible match with the Würzburg comes ff. 10v-16v (see G. Morin, "Liturgie et basiliques de Rome au milieu du VIIe siècle d'après les listes d'évangiles de Würzburg", in: Revue benedictine 28 (1911), S. 296-330. That the mansucript was used for the readings during Mass throughout the year (instead of a lectionary containing selected readings from the four Gospels) is also attested by the (later) added interlinear letters "c", "t" and "a" which mark a special reciting practice for the Passion readings, where different monks recited the verses in which the evangelist, Christ or other characters (the disciples) speak. Compare with a fragment from a Lectionary now in Newberry Library, Medieval Manuscript Fragment 4 - written in south-eastern Germany in the early ninth century ( Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham, Introduction to Manuscript Studies (Ithaca, NY: 2007), 140-141). Cod. 1193 the typical ruling in two columns with three vertical dividing lines in between - also present in the bible fragments in Linz.

Layout: fols 1-10 written in two columns, 34 lines. Written space: 260-265 × 145 mm 7,5 Direct ruling on superimposed leaves, on every two leaves from mid quire on flesh side // on one bifolium every two. Pricking for the intercolumn lines often visible in the lower edge (e.g. f. 22) - also only on every second leaf. One bifolium was pricked, then superimposed over another and the two ruled simultaneously. Pricking for lines ff. 72, 73 - on the vertical line - not visible elsewhere. Text block framed left and right by double vertical lines (distance 7-8 mm) reaching the edges; the two columns are separated by three vertical lines (distance in between 8-9 mm) also reaching the leaf edges; above and below the text block are simple horizontal lines reaching the leaf edge. System according to D. Muzerelle, De re rigatoria: Mastara, formula 2-2-111/0/1-1/JJ.

Script: Carolingian minuscule written by several hands. Rubrics in red and green Uncial and Capitalis rustica. Capitalis Quadrata in Gold and Silver at the beginning of the Gospels.

On some passages added interlinear for reciting directions - see fol. 102r. The letter "c" (abbreviating probably cantor) is used to mark those sections where the evangelist narrate the story; "t" for the verses in which Christ himself speaks, "a" for the verses in which character(s) other than Christ speak. These annotations are present in the passages used for Passion readings during Lent and Easter: 12 Canon tables presented as an arcade framework: a series of four or three arches supported by columns with capitals column base.

Binding: Carolingian binding with thick wooden covers. 16,5 mm thick

History: Norperht (Mondsee, St. Michael, 9. Jh.): Benützer ? [Bischoff, Schreibschulen II, 1980]. - Mondsee, Benediktinerkloster St. Michael (748-1791): Eintrag fol. 128v. — Lunaelacenses-Signatur 'Rec. 3301 [Lunael. f. 44].

Selected literature: Unterkircher 1969, p. 36. — Hermann 1923, pp. 85-87. — Bischoff 1980, pp. 23-24.

1ra-10va Capitulare evangeliorum Incipit capitulare euangeliorum de anni circulo In natale domini ad sanctam mariam secundum lucam … — … usque gaudium uestrum nemo tollet a uobis. Explicit capitulare euangeliorum. (written in two columns with alternating red and black initials. 3r corrections. 7v addition in the lower margin - four rulled lines, 3 written. 8r upper margin asteriscus and a minuscle letter h with a crossed bar -- related to another pair of symnols in the margins between the two columns pointing to the place where the correction should be made.) (Check with Klauser's types. Match probably his type Pi, but with some additions -- list all!!! -- (after 7- Dom I post natale domini, 01. Jan. Marta, ...). Compare with the Capitulare in Kremsmünster CC Cim. 2 (207r-225r). If, like the Codex minor, very close to the published MS from Speyer by M. Gerbert, monumenta veteris liturgiae Alemannicae I. St. Blasien 1777, 417-447 (online) -- undientified MS: .)

11r-11v Prol. Evv. [Ep. ad Damasum papam] Hieronymus. Beato papae Damaso Hieronimus. Nouum opus facere me cogis … — … memineris mei papa beatissime. Explicit epistola Hieronimi. (written in one column.) Stegmüller RB 595.

11v-12v Hieronymus: Prol. Evv. [ex commentario in Matth.] Incipit prologus quattuor evangeliorum. Plures fuisse qui Euangelia scripserunt … — … et ecclesiasticis uiuis canendas. Explicit prologus quattuor evangeliorum. Stegmüller RB 596.

12v-13r Eusebius Caesariensis: Prol. Mt. [Ep. ad Carpianum] Eusebius Capriano fratri in domino salutem Ammonius quidem alexandrinus … — … similia dixisse repperies. Stegmüller RB 581.

13r Hieronymus: Prol. Mt. [Ep. ad Damasum papam] Hieronimus Damaso papae. Sciendum etiam ne quis ignarum … — … memineris mei beatissimae papa. Stegmüller RB 601.

13r-13v Prol. Mt. [Prologus monarchianus] Incipit argumentum secundum Mattheum Matteus ex iudea sicut in ordine primus ponitur … — … dispositionem quaerentibus nonn tacere. Explicit argumentum. Stegmüller RB 590.

13v-14v Capitula / Summarium in evangelium secundum Mattheum Incipit breviarium eiusdem. Natiuitas christi magi cum muneribus ueniunt. … — … mandata et doctrina eius de baptismo. Explicit breviarium.

15r-20v Eusebian canons

21r-128v Quattuor Evangelia

128v Additional entry about the consecration of a chapel in Mondsee (S. Trinitatis et S. Crucis) by archbishop Thiemo from Salzburg on the 12th of Juli 1094. Anno ab incarnatione domini … — … Eutropiae, Margaretae. (Auf eigener Blindlinierung) "[A] nno ab incarnatione domini nostri Iesu Christi millesimo XCIIII indictione II dedicata est haec capella IIII idus Iulii a Tiemone sanctae Iuuauensis ecclesiae archiepiscopo in honore sanctae et indiuiduae trinitatis et sanctissimae crucis et sanctae Mariae matris domini et sancti Nicolai confessoris domini. continentur autem in altari reliquiae reconditae de spongia domini nostri "

Abreviated Literature:

Bischoff 1980Bischoff, Bernhard. Die südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit. Vol. 2. Die vorwiegend österreichischen Diözesen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1980.
Hermann 1923Hermann, Hermann Julius. Die frühmittelalterlichen Handschriften des Abendlandes. Edited by Franz Wickhoff. Leipzig: Hiersemann, 1923.
Stegmüller RBStegmüller, Friedrich, and Nikolaus Reinhardt. Repertorium biblicum medii aevi. 11 vols, 1950.
Unterkircher 1969Unterkircher, Franz. Die datierten Handschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Wien, 1969.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1193' ( last change: 2021-07-19).