Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1370 (olim: Rec. 3324 Lunael. q. 61)

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Pastorale Sammelhandschrift

Parchment — 120 fols. — 180 × 130 mm — Mondsee (?) — s. IX1

Miscellany on pastoral care. The collection was intended for regular use (Gebrauchshandschrift) as suggested by the relative small format, rather low execution of the script and medium quality parchment.

Support: I8 (ff. 1-8) + II8 (ff. 9-16, 3 and 6 singletons) + III-VII8 (ff. 17-56) + VIII8 (ff. 57-64, 3 and 6 singletons) + IX8 (ff. 65-72, 2 and 7 singletons) + X. The first nine quires have quire marks (roman numerals with strokes above and on the left side), written in black ink in the middle of the lower margin on the last quire page (ff. 8, 16, ...). Modern foliation in pencil in the upper right corner of every recto and the lower left corner of every verso.

Layout: Written space: 140-150 × 95-110 mm. Line height 8-9 mm. 5-12 20-28 10-20 10-15 mm

Script: Written by several hands in a non-calligraphic Carolingian minuscule.Bischoff (Bischoff 1980, p. 24) suggested similarity between the hand writing ff. 83v-120v and the so-called "Cassiodor-Schreiber" who came probably from Mondsee to Regensburg in the year 833. Litterae notabiliores for section and heading titles in majuscule (rather clumsy Roman Capitals with unequal x-height); written in the same ink as the main text but highlighted with touches of pigment (red and yellow). Rubrics in red.

On f. 1r probably a later (s. X?) addition on the initially blank opening page. Ink is partly scrubbed out. Text hardly legible - content: prayers (?). Gloss (cf. Bergmann 2009). Highlighting ink initials with red and yellow pigment. Red pigment partly corroded and darkened (e.g. f. 9v, l. 12, 81v).

Binding: A late medieval (15th-century) leather binding on wood boards with blind tooling (three parallel lines forming a rectangular with a Saint Andrew's cross inside - left and right board same decoration). Binding on three sewing stations with double supports (leather strips?). Clasp removed; preserved are the metal nails on both covers and partly the strip of leather attached to the middle of the right cover. Original pastedowns removed and replaced with modern paper.

History: The manuscript was probably copied in Mondsee in the first half of the 9th c. (Bischoff 1980, p. 24).

1v-18r Ps. Alcuinus / Ps. Arno Salisburgensis. Ordo uel breuis explanatio de caticizandis [!] rudibus Primo ergo in catecizandis rudibus apostolicum oportet intueri sermonem … — … sicut pater noster caelestis perfectus est. (Title and first three lines written in black ink by one hand; rest in brown ink in a second hand.) The work is known in three recensions: 1) in Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 6325, ff. 134v-142v (Freising, 820 - 830) and its copy Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 6324, ff. 98v-107r (Freising, 850 - 860); 2) in our manuscript; and 3) in Rouen, Bibliothèque Jacques Villon (olim Bibliothèque Municipale), 469 (A. 214), ff. 121v-135r (Fecamp, end of 11th c. or beginning of the 12th). According to Bouhot, the recension preserved in the Munich MSS is an abridgment of the version preserved in the Vienna MS. The longer version preserved in the Rouen MS follows more rigorously the plan set in Alcuin's letter to Charlemagne from 798 (Primo paganus). This text serves also as terminus post quem for the original composition . The recension in the Vienna MS represents probably the answer of Arno of Salzburg on Charlemagne's enquiry from 812. So the Ordo was written in the beginning of the ninth century. The version of the Vienna MS and the abridgment found in the Munich MSS is probably from the end of the first third of the ninth century (terminus ante quem based on B. Bischoff's dating of Munich Clm 6325).

(Compilation of excerpts from Isidore 's Sententiarum libri and Iulianus Pomerius ' De vita contemplativa)

53v-62v Pastorale Diligiter inuestigauimus … — … a sinodo publica.

63r-64v Tractatus de ieiunio Frater quidam interrogauit … — … diabuli temptamenta uincuntur.

65r-70r Gregorius Magnus: Regula pastoralis: Cap. 11.

70r-72r Catechesis de oratione dominica Pater noster quies in celis … — … fideliter interpretatur.

72r-81v Constitutio et fides concilii Nicaeni interprete Dionysio Exigui

81v-83r Catechesis de missa Interrogatio ipsa missa a quo potifice … — … et confessio peccatorum.

83v-88r Boethius: Confessio fidei: Excerpta Incipit sermo ab exordio mundi usque ad apostolorum tempora et usque nunc boethii Dominus omnipotens qui semper in aeternum sine aliqua mutabilitate aeterni permanet … — … laus perpetua saluatoris suius et omnis honor et gloria sine ulla commutatione et fine. (Added below by another (slightly later hand) "Ad adam usque diluuium V̅CCLXII".)

89r-90r De octo uitiis principalibus quorum nomina haec sunt Superbia, Guila, Fornicatio … — … Uana gloria per caritatem dei.

90r-98v (Collection of canon laws about marriage. Im folgenden wird der Inhalt des Buches gemäß den Angaben und nach den Siglen in der CD-ROM- bzw. Online-Datenbank bei Fowler-Magerl Clavis canonum (s. unten) , beschrieben, denen die Handschrift Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2186 (SV) zugrundeliegt;) De ratione matrimonii hieronimus ait nisi matrimonium fuisset uirginitas non esset (Search the Clavis Canonum in mgh. Further rubricated headings:


99r-107v Acta septem dormientium Ephesinorum In illo tempore regnabat decius … — … resurrectionem mortuorum.

107v-120v Sermo de confusione diaboli et inferni Audiens diabolus dominum … — … domino nostro cui sit.

Abreviated Literature:

Bergmann 2009Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie: Ein Handbuch. Die althochdeutsche und altsächsische Glossographie. De Gruyter, 2009.
Bischoff 1980Bischoff, Bernhard. Die südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit. Vol. 2. Die vorwiegend österreichischen Diözesen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1980.
Bouhot 1979Bouhot, Jean-Paul. ‘Explications du rituel baptismal à l’époque carolingienne’. Revue d’Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques 24, no. 3–4 (January 1978): 278–301, esp. 283-285.
Burn 1905Burn, A. E., ed. Niceta of Remesiana. His Life and Works. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1905.
ClavisClavis des auteurs latins du Moyen Age. Territoire français 735-987 cur. Marie-Hélène Jullien - Françoise Perelman, Turnhout 1994- (Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis. Clavis Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Aevi. Auctores Galliae 735-987).
Denis 1802Denis, Michael, ed. in Codices Manuscripti Theologici Bibliothecae Palatinae Vindobonensis Latini. Vol. 2. Vienna, 1802.
Nicetas 1964-66Nicetas, Remesianensis. Niceta von Remesiana instructio ad competentes: frühchristliche Katechesen aus Dacien. Edited by Klaus Gamber. 3 vols. Regensburg: Pustet, 1964-1966.
PLMigne J. P., Patrologiae cursus completus. Series latina, Paris, 1844-1864.
Stegmüller RBStegmüller, Friedrich, and Nikolaus Reinhardt. Repertorium biblicum medii aevi. 11 vols, 1950.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1370' ( last change: 2021-11-10).