Vienna, Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv, Hs. B 70 (olim: Böhn Hs. 179)

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Parchment — I + 70 + I fols. — Mondsee — s. IX2 - s. XIIex

The composite manuscript is called "Traditionsbuch" - a typical form of cartulary containing transcriptions of charters relating to the possessions and donations made to the monastery. Of particular interest for the current project is the first codicological part copied in the second half of the ninth century as well as fols. 67 and 68 datable to the tenth century.

Support: The mansucript is a Sammelhandschrift made up of four codicological units: 1) fols. 1-52; 2) fols. 53-58; 3) fols. 59-66; 4) fols. 67-70. The quire structure is recorded by Rath 1989, p. 11: 1* + 2.IV16 + (IV-1)23 + 3.IV47 + (III-1)52 + 1.III58 + 1.IV66 + 4.170 + 1*.

History: The manuscript was written in Mondsee. The oldest codicological unit (fols. 1-52) was written in the second half of the ninth century. The next two codicological units (fols. 53-58 and fols. 59-66) aree datable to the end of the twelfth century. The four leaves at the end (fols. 67-70) are single leaves, fols. 67 and 68 datable to the tenth century; fols. 69 and 70 to the twelfth century.

Codicological unit A = ff. 1-52

The oldest Tradiotionsbuch

Pergament — 52 fols. — 235-250 × 175-180 mm — Mondsee — s. IX 2

Support: The unit is made up of 7 quaternionen: I8 (ff. 1-8) + II8 (ff. 9-16) + III8(-1) (ff. 17-23, missing 8) + IV8 (ff. 27-31) + V8 (ff. 32-39, 2 and 6 singletons) + VI8 (ff. 40-47) + VII5 (ff. 48-52, 1 is a singleton). To judge by the smudge on the outher bifolia of most quires (1r, 23v, 32r, 39v, 49r, 52v), the manuscript was for some time unbound.

Layout: Fols. 1-40 are ruled in 22-23 long lines. Written space: 175-195 × 110-130 mm Blind ruling based on pricking on every leaf in the quires on the outher margin, as well as double vertical lines. Double (correctied?) pricking on fols. 33, 34, 37, 38. // pricking on each leaf, but ruling probably on an open quire only at the outer most bifolium - evidence: ther uling is strong on the outermost leaf and very shallow on the inner ones; the ruling on several leaves do not match the prickings - example: f. 10r, 13, 14, 49, 50 the double bounding lines; f. 11 the ruled lines do not match the prickings on the side.

Script: Rath described the ink as dark to black, with the exception of the text written by Hand B from fol. 43r line 12 which is braun.
Codicological unit A was written by three main hands (labelled A-C by Rath); a fourth hand (D) wrote only several lines on two occasions.Hand A wrote a relaltive tiny script with right inclination:

Scribe B wrote a round minuscule with light inclination to the right: Hand C wrote the third quire (ff. 17r-23v) and the opening of the first five pages of the fourth quire (ff. 24r-26r, l. 17). Hand C intervened on several occasions in Hand B: 12r, l. 20-22; 33r, l. 14-17; 36v, l. 5-15; f. 37r, l. 5-11.

Codicological unit D = f. 67

Traditionen Nr. 149-155

Parchment — 1 fols. — Mondsee — s. X

Later additions (s. XIex-XII) on the verso: tradiotions Nr. 151-155.

Traditionen 149-155.
Codicological unit D = f. 68

Traditionen Nr. 156-160

Parchment — 1 fols. — Mondsee — s. X

Traditionen Nr. 156-160.
Codicological unit D = f. 69

Traditionen Nr. 188, 187, 189

Parchment — — Mondsee — s. XII

Traditionen Nr. 188, 187, 189.
Codicological unit D = f. 70

Traditionen Nr. 144-148

Parchment — — Mondsee — s. XII

Abreviated Literature:

Rath 1989Rath, Gebhard, and Erich Reiter. Das älteste Traditionsbuch des Klosters Mondsee. Linz: Oberösterreichisches Landesarchiv, 1989.

How to quote: Ivana Dobcheva, 'Vienna, Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv, Hs. B 70' ( last change: 2022-01-25).