F-1ie7: New York, The Morgan Library, M. 564; Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Hs. 27932; Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek, Fragm. Lat. 1

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Quattuor Evangelia

Parchment — 62 partial fols. — — Mondsee — s. VIII2

This Uncial manuscript of the Gospels according to the Vulgata was probably written in Mondsee in the second half of the eight century. The manuscript was at some point discarded and used as binding waste. Preserved are 62 folios (18 in the Morgan Library in New York and 36 in the GNM in Nuremberg and 8 in the Stadtbibliothek in Nuremberg) containing parts of the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of John. At least two sexternions are missing with the beginning of Luke (1,1-5,19) and another two or three quires at the end of John (12,40-21,25). The original manuscript probably contained the text of all four Gospels in the so-called Greek order adopted by Jerome, starting with Matthew, Mark, Luke and ending with John. Since there are no fragments of Matthew and Mark, this would mean that we are now missing the entire first half of the book, which would have covered more than 200 leaves.

Support: See the collation in VCeditor

Script: Uncial. Carolingian minuscule for the Canon references in the margin. Capitalis rustica used for the prologue and Summarium (f. 23r-v).

Selected literature: Wright, David H. ‘The Codex Millenarius and Its Model’. Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst 15 (1964): 37–54. — Holter, Kurt. ‘Das Alte und Neue Testament in Buchmalerei nördlich der Alpen’. In La bibblia nell’alto medioevo (Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo, 10), 413–72. — Bischoff 1980, pp. 19-20.

Virtual reconstruction of the content considering all preserved fragments. For the leaves preserved in GNM Siglum 'GNM', 'M' for the Morgan Library and 'StB' for the ones in the Stadtbibliothek in Nuremberg.

Evangelium secundum Lucam

GNM_23ra Prologus monarchianus in evangelium secundum Johannemconuocatis discipulis suis in epheso per multa signorum experimenta … — … doctrina seruetur. Explicit prologus. Stegmüller RB, Nr. 624.

Summarium evangelium secundum Johannem Stegmüller RB, Nr. 11016.
(GNM_23ra-vb) Incipit elencus breuis euangelii secundum iohannem Pharisaeorum laevitae interrogant … — … XI Pedes discipulorum … (StB_6r) et quod ipse in patre et pater in illo est … — … XIIII Passio et sepultura et resurrectio eius. Explicit elencus secundum iohannem. (StB_6ra-6v) (left blank.)

Evangelium secundum Johannem (StB_6ra) Incipit evangelium eiusdem.

New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 564

Fragments from Luke and John

Library catalogue

Parchment — 18 fols.

Binding: Information from the Morgan cards catalogue: the fragments are kept in a wooden box assembled in Germany in the 19th-century. On the upper cover in the middle of a gilt-metal sheet (probably 13th-century) is an enamel plaque of Christ in majesty (probably 12th-century) in center and symbols of the Evangelists at the corners, surrounded by metal bands studded with crystals. The symbols of the Evangelists are copies of 13th- or 14th-century pieces. The Catalogus of Sir Thomas Phillipps mentions that the fragments were already at the time (1837) bound in red velvet and that one cover was decorated with rock crystals set in silver gilt.

By the acquisition the leaves were wrapped in a fragment (two leaves - probably bifolium) from a 11th-century Lectionary, according to the catalogue of the Morgan library - written in a Bavarian or Austrian hand.

History: The leaves served as binding waste (wrappers, covers ?) for property registers of the Nuremberg family of Von Kress. The fragments were later (ca. 1680) owned by Baron J. W. Imhoff, later by his heir Baron Haller von Hallerstein. The fragments were sold several times: 1861 in an auction in Nuremberg acquired by the dealer Tross, then by Guillaume Libri, who sold them to Sir Thomas Phillipps (in his Catalogus, p. 317, No. 16387), by Richard Bennett and lastly by Pierpont Morgan.

Selected literature: Koehler, Wilhelm. ‘The Fragments of an Eighth-Century Gospel Book in the Morgan Library (M.564): A Contribution to the History of the Vulgate’. In Studies in Art and Literature for Belle Da Costa Greene. Ed. by Dorothy Miner. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1954, pp. 238–65. — Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum in bibliotheca D. Thomae Phillipps, Bart. Middle Hill, 1837, p. 317.

1r-8v Evangelium secundum Lucam

9r-18v Evangelium secundum Johannem

Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Hs. 27932

Quattuor evangelia


Parchment — 36 fols. — Mondsee — s. VIII2

Support: Modern foliation in pencil: 1-20, 20bis-20ter, 20a-20b, 20c-20d, 21, 21a-21b, 22-28. There are three groups of leaves bound in modern paper folders. Hs 27932 [1.0] contains fols. 1-20, 20a-20d, 21, 21a-21b, 22-24; Hs 27932 [1-1] - fols. 20bis-20ter; Hs 27932 [1.2] - fols. 21a-21b; Hs 27932 [2] - fols. 25-28. Fols. 20a-20d are glued in pairs on a stub, whereby fols. 20a and 20d make today one bifolium, 20b and 20c another. Comparing the marks from binding waste (the leaves were used as covers) it becomes clear that fols. 20a and 20b formed originally once one bifolium, fols. 20c and 20d another.

Layout: Ruling probably direct on fol. 4v-5r, 12v-13r and 18v-19r (innermost leaves of quires) on flesh side; probably also direct ruling on 2v-7r on hair side -> it would mean the leaves were ruled in pairs of three. On fol. 10v-15r (third leaf) on hair side - probably indirect ruling. on fols. 17v-20r (fourth leaf) on flesh side - probably indirect ruling. 20ter r and 20 bis v - on hair side - probably indirect ruling. 21v-22r - on hair side - probably indirect ruling. 23v-24r - on hair side - probably indirect ruling. 20ter-20bis - on hair side. Double ruled lines for the text (upper line on the x-height); the first and last double text lines extending the lenght of the folio (probably ruled on two facing pages at once); double columns with double vertical bounding lines extending to first and last double written lines; single vertical lines on both sides of the columns extending to the first and last double written lines

Six illuminated initials, contour in red (Mennige); Colours: green, orange-red, gold and silver-blue. First probably with blue, then covered with gold and silver.

History: In the first half of the seventeenth century the leaves 1-24 and 21a-21b served as binding waste (wrappers and covers) for property registers of the Nuremberg family Von Kress. For each register were used two bifolia:

Fols. 1-24 were obtained 1872 by the Germanisches Museum in Nuremberg. Fols. 20a-20d were property of the Heerdegen family in Nuremberg, who gave or sold those 1874 to the Germanisches Museum. The two bifolia fols. 25-28 and 26-27 served as a pastedowns for 'Grundbuch für die Jahresbeiträge der Pflegschaft' of the Nuremberg family Von Grundherr. They were again given or sold to the Germanisches Museum. The boflolium fols. 21a-21b was bought by the Germanisches Museum in 1923.

Evangelium secundum Lucam

23ra Prologus monarchianus in evangelium secundum Johannem

23ra-vb Summarium evangelium secundum Johannem

24r-28v Evangelium secundum Johannem

Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek, Fragm. Lat. 1

Fragments from Luke and John

Parchment — 8 fols. — Mondsee — s. VIII2

History: The leaves were used as binding waste (covers) for two register books from the 1615. For each cover were used two bifolia, glued at the spine of the book. Fols. 1+2 were glued on the front cover, fols. 8+9 on the back cover of one register; fols. 7+6 were glued on the front cover, fols. 3+4 on the back cover of the second part of the register.

1r-v (Lc 14,31-15,8.)

2r-v (Lc 18,12-18,25.)

StB_3r-v (Lc 22,69-23,11.)

StB_4r-v (Lc 23,43-24,1.)

StB_5r-v (Lc 24,31-24,46.)

StB_6r Summarium evangelium secundum Johannem Explicit elencus secundum iohannem.

StB_7r-8v Evangelium secundum Johannem (Io 1,1-2,13.)

Abreviated Literature:

Bischoff 1980Bischoff, Bernhard. Die südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit. Vol. 2. Die vorwiegend österreichischen Diözesen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1980.
Stegmüller RBStegmüller, Friedrich, and Nikolaus Reinhardt. Repertorium biblicum medii aevi. 11 vols, 1950.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'F-1ie7: New York, The Morgan Library, M. 564; Nuremberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Hs. 27932; Nuremberg, Stadtbibliothek, Fragm. Lat. 1' (https://github.com/ivanadob/mondsee/blob/master/data/descriptions/desc__vr_f-1ie7.xml last change: 2022-03-21).