F-1ktr: Munich, BSB, Clm 27270; Prague, Národní knihovna České republiky, VI.D.24

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Quattuor Evangelia (Ingolstadt Gospel Book)

Parchment — 66 partial fols. — 350 × 260 mm — Mondsee — s. VIII2

The original manuscript contained the four gospels preceded by Eusebian canon tables with sumptuous decoration. The now surviving leaves were used as binding waste for account books in the 17th and 19th centuries. A rough estimation of the layout and the amount of text fitting one page suggests the original manuscript had about 280 fols.

Support: See the collation at VCEditor. From the original manuscript survive two fragments (see below).

Script: Uncial.

Selected literature: Bischoff 1980, pp. 18–19. — CLA IX, 1325

Munich, BSB, Clm 27270

Canon tables and gospels

FacsimileLibrary catalogue

Parchment — 64 fols. (surviving) — 350 × 260 mm

Support: See the collation at VCEditor. Modern foliation in pencil at the middle of the upper margin on each recto: 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2-7, 7a, 7b, 8-18, 18a, 19-22, 22a, 22b, 22c, 23-29, 29a, 30-43, 43a, 43b, 44-51.

Layout: Written space: 235 × 195 mm in 23 lines, 2 columns wide 80-85 mm mm. Line height: 10 mm mm. Ruling on the flesh side, each column has two vertical bounding lines not extending above the written space; written lines are confined within two horizontal ruled lines with a distance ca. 4 mm extending the width of the folios on the inner margin (Mastara formula 1-1-11/0/0/C2). Pricking visible on the outer margin at the end of the text column.

Script: Later correction of the punctuation on 38va.

Illuminated initials for the opening of the gospels and the books.

Selected literature: Bierbrauer, Katharina: Die vorkarolingischen und karolingischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek: Text- u. Tafelbd. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1990, p. 69. — Hauke, Hermann. Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Vol. 2,5: Clm 27270-27499. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1975, p. 3-4.

1ar-1bv Canon tables (Including second to fifth canon.)

(Lacuna ? fols. (including the rest of the Canon tables, the Prologue to Matthew and the Capitulatio, and Mt 1:1 to Mt 5:46).)

1cr Evangelium secundum Mattheum

18ara-18avb Incipit praefatio marco Marcus euangelista et petri in baptismate filius … — … perderet quod priStegmüller RB, Nr. 670.

(Lacuna 1 fol.)

19ra-20rb Capitulatio parabolarum (VL Siglum KA Mc I)[XV] sanauit ihesus … — … et receptus est in celis dominus Explicit capitulatio parabolarum

20va-28vb Evangelium secundum Marcum 20rb Incipit euangelioum secundum marcum

29ra-29arb Argumentum in Lucam Incipit prae[f] atio lucae Lucas syrus natione anthiocensis arte medicus … — … fast[i] dientibus prod[i] disse. Exp[licit] praefatio lucae. Stegmüller RB, Nr. 620. (The fol. 29 was originally part of a bifolium together with fol. 31. The bifolium was cut in two and a narrow strip from the inner side of fol. 29 is now part of fol. 31.)

29arb-29avb Capitulatio parabolarum (VL Siglum KA Lc B) Incipit breu[…] Zacharias angelo non credens … — … non esse opus sanis medicum.

(Lacuna 2 fols. (?))

30ra-43vb Evangelium secundum Lucam

44ra-51vb Evangelium secundum Johannem

Prague, Národní knihovna České republiky, VI.D.24

Fragment from Luca


Parchment — 2 fols. — 220-240 × 310 mm

Support: The two leaves were the outermost bifolium in one quire.

Letter written by Rosa de Kolowrat from March 12, 1839 addressed to Anton Spirk, the head librarian of the university library. Transcription of the text by Dambeck comparing it with the Vulgate.

History: The fragment served as binding for a print book (Valvassors Topographie Kärndtens) in the possession of Count Franz Anton von Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky. The fragment was spotted by Anton Spirk, the librarian of the University library and was then donated to the library.

Selected literature: Spirk, A. "Über ein altes Fragment einer Handschrift des Lucasevangeliums". In Serapeum 3 (1842): 172-175 — J. Truhlář. Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum latinorum, qui in c. r. bibliotheca publica atque Universitatis Pragensis asservantur. Vol. 1. Prague, 1905, Nr. 1113, p. 453.

1r-1vet post pusillum [Lc 22,58] … — … at ille respondens ait [Lc 23,3]

(Lacuna 6 fols. (two of them preserved today in Munich, BSB. Clm 27270, fols. 43a and 43b).)

2rut intelligerent scripturas [Lc 24,45] … — … et benedicentes deum. [Lc 24,53]

2v (Blank.)

Abreviated Literature:

Bischoff 1980Bischoff, Bernhard. Die südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit. Vol. 2. Die vorwiegend österreichischen Diözesen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1980.
CLAElias Avery Lowe. Codices Latini Antiquiores. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1917-1971.
Stegmüller RBStegmüller, Friedrich, and Nikolaus Reinhardt. Repertorium biblicum medii aevi. 11 vols, 1950.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'F-1ktr: Munich, BSB, Clm 27270; Prague, Národní knihovna České republiky, VI.D.24' (https://github.com/ivanadob/mondsee/blob/master/data/descriptions/desc__vr_f-1ktr.xml last change: 2021-07-31).