F-b3km: Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. Ser. n. 3754, Fragm. 782b, Fragm. 782c and binding waste in Codd. 1361, 1696; Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Fragm. 47

FragmentariumShow TEI-XML

Pseudo-Hieronymus: Expositio quatuor evangeliorum + Sermo de decem denariis + Ps. Arnobius iunior, Expositiunculae

Mondsee (?) — s. IX1

From the original manuscript survive several fragments, which were used as binding waste in Mondsee manuscripts.

Selected literature: Dorfbauer, Lukas. “Ein Fragment der Expositiunculae in evangelium Iohannis evangelistae Matthaei et Lucae (CPL 240) und eine evangelienexegetische Sammlung aus Mondsee.” Wiener Studien 135 (2022): 173–90.

(Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1696 (left pastedown); Codd. 1361 and 1696 (fol. 125); Cod. Ser. n. 3754 (foll. 1 and 2); Fragm. 782b (foll. 1 and 2).)

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Ser. n. 3754

FragmentariumFacsimileLibrary catalogue

Parchment — 4 fols.

Support: Modern foliation in pencil. The four single leaves are bound together in a fascicle.

Layout: Written space: min 201 × min 110 mm 7-8 Blind ruling hardly visible due to fragmentation.

Script: One hand wrote fols. 1-2 and another fols. 3-4. The script on fols. 3-4 is according to Bischoff the "jüngerer Mondseer Typ".

Binding: Modern carton binding.

History: The leaves served as binding waste, pastedowns in Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1477 (?). Unknown when the fragments were detached. 1955 the leaves were placed in the Series Nova collection.

1r-2v Ps-Hieronymus: Expositio quatuor evangeliorum

3r-4v Sermons (?)

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Fragm. 782b

FragmentariumLibrary catalogue

Parchment — 19 strips put together in 2 (partial) fols.

Two fragmentary leaves: Fragm. 782b-1 made up of 12 strips and Fragm. 782b-2 made up of 7 strips.

Support: Fragm. 782b-1 made up of 12 strips and Fragm. 782b-2 made up of 7 strips. The strips in Fragm. 782b-2 were put together incorrectly so that the text jumps from one written line to the other. Two additinal strips are also attached to Fragm. 782b-2 which do not belong to the original manuscript.

Layout: Written space: 200-205 × 120-125 mm 8 mm

In evangelium secundum Lucam

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Fragm. 782c

Ps.-Augustinus, Sermo de decem talentis

FragmentariumLibrary catalogue

Parchment — 1 fol. fols.

The fragment represents one reconstructed partial leaf with two texts: a sermon and a commentary on the gospel of John.

Support: The original leaf was cut in vertical strips used as sewing guards. These were recollected by librarians in the 19th c. and reconstructed to one partial leaf with gold beater’s skin. The strips are, however, incorrectly joint: the first four (looking at the recto) are running one line under the last four.

Layout: Written space: 205-210 × 120-125 mm; one column, 25 lines per page. Line height: 8 mm. Blind ruling (barely visible due to fragmentation).

Script: Early Carolingian minuscule with ligatures: ri (extended left below line), ti, ct, nt, st. Using e-caudata; two forms of a: open (cc-a) and Carolingian a.Rubrications in the same black ink written in Capitalis rustica. Simple three-line high initials (built-up initials), litterae notabiliores) in black ink.

History: The fragments were detached from the binding probably by librarians at the Court library in the 19th c. Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher (librarian from 1828) took specific interest in the fragments and transcribed them in what is now Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. Ser. n. 3960. Since Endlicher reordered parts of the manuscript collection, it is possible that the current shelfmark Frag. 782 (which is a conglomerate of fragments from several originally distinct manuscripts) reflects his interest and not the fact that the fragments served as binding waste in one and the same host volume. Hence it is not possible to establish a Mondsee provenance for Fragm. 782c based on the secured Mondsee origin and provenance of Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. Ser. n. 2065, f. 4 which was till recently preserved under the shelfmark Fragm. 782-1 / 782a.

1r Ps.-Augustinus: Sermo de decem denariisisaac confes[…] iacob benedictionem […][h] ospitalitatem […] sanctum docatum ioseph cas[…] iesunaue … — … Id est spes fides caritas quia spes fecit ut inueniretur adam fides uero fecit ut hoc est cum christo et omnes sanctis.

1r-v Ps. Arnobius iunior: Expositiunculae Arnobii episcopi in evangelio Iohannis evangelistae Cap. I-III EUANGELIUM SECUNDUM IOHANNEM. In principio erat uerbum […]1v [Princi] pium deus est quę [!] est [princi] pator omnium […] quia nihil est idola … — … in uino conuersa, passionem et cruorem demonstrat. DE HOMINE CECO

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 1361 (pastedown reinforcement)


Parchment — 2 partial fols.

Two fragments used to reinforce the pastedown of a Mondsee binding. The fragment on the left is the upper half of a single folio, the lower half thereof is now as in-situ fragment in Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1696. On the same board is pasted also a 12th-century fragment of the Prologue to the Expositio, which was probably added to the original manuscript.

Support: The larger (identified) fragment is the upper half of a leaf, the lower part thereof is used as a pastedown in Cod. 1696 (see fragment below).

Layout: Written space: 153-155 × 115-120 mm

Anoter 12-th-century fragment preservs part of the prologue: "iustitiam. Et sicut parad[isum] ... [elemen] tis consistit". Das Fragment gehört inhaltlich zu den anderen zwei Fragmenten, die als VS in den Cod. 1361 geklebt wurden. Es ist zu vermuten, dass der Prolog zu Expositio in quatuor evangeliorum als eine spätere (12. Jh.) Ergänzung der ursprünglichen Handschrift entstanden ist.

Left fragment In evangelium secundum Matthaeum[praece] pit et non agnoscebat … — … Locum tempus personam (The fragment on the right preservs only a few letters. )

Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. 1696 (pastedown)

Parchment — 2 partial fols.

The fragment serves as a pastedown on the front board of Cod. 1696. It is the lower half of a single folio, the upper half thereof is now as in-situ fragment in Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 1361.

Layout: Written space: 153-155 × 115-120 mm

(pastedown left and right) In evangelium secundum Matthaeumleft pastedown [im] pleta in ioseph per dauid Ostenditur quod ipse uisionem domini meruit uidere [qui fecit] […]right pastedown aptum fuit quia domus panis interpretatur … — … non alia creatura sed muta (verso almost completely illegible:) [ma] lis ostensio b[ona] qua[ndo magi]

Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Fragm. 47

Ps.-Hiernymus / Ps.-Gregorius: Expositio IV evangeliorum; De nominibus hebraicis grecis et latinis; De litteris; De ponderibus

FacsimileLibrary catalogue

Parchment — 3 fols. — 225 × 108 mm

The fragment consists of four leaves detached from Ms. Lat. qu. 931 (probably former pastedowns and flyleaves ?). The first two leaves contain parts from the so-called Expositio quattuor evangeliorum (to Mt 1,1-3,4); the third badly preserved leaf contains fragments from the short excerpts from Eucherius of Lyon Instructiones on explanation of biblical personal and place names (excerpt rubricated 'De litteris') and on weigh measurements (excerpt rubricated 'De ponderibus'). The palaeograhical and codicological similarities between the four leaves and the remaining fragments, described here, suggest they were all part from one book.

Support: The leaves served as binding waste, hence the glue residues and cuts. Fol. 1 was cut vertically - missing lower and inner parts - so that it is about 2/3 of its original size. Current size 225 x 100-108 mm (Winter). Fol. 2 measures 260 x 160 mm. Fol. 3 consists of three pieces which represent about a half of the original leaf

Layout: Written space: 200 × 120 mm Written in 25 long lines.

History: The fragment was detached 1937 from Berlin, Staatsbibl, Ms. Lat. qu. 931 - a 10th-century copy of Ansegisus' Collectio capitularium. This manuscript is held today at the Jagiellonian Library (Biblioteka Jagiellońska) in Kraków.

Selected literature: Winter, Ursula. Die Fragmentensammlung der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek (Berlin). Katalog der Fragmente des 4. bis 10. Jahrhunderts. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986, pp. 14-15. — ManuMed — Christ, K. "Die Schloßbibliothek von Nikolsburg und die Überlieferung der Kapitularien-Sammlung des Ansegis." In Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 1 (1937): 281-322.

1r-2v Ps.-Hieronymus / Ps.-Gregorius: Expositio IV evangeliorum (excerpt wto Mt. 1,1–3,4)

3r [De ponde] ribus secundum euch[erium] Eucherius of Lyon: Instructiones (excerpt from Book 2, ch. XIII) PL 50,82. Eucherius Lugdunensis. Formulae Spiritalis Intellegentiae. Instructionum Libri Duo. Edited by C. Mandolfo. Vol. 66. CCSL. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005, 77–216.

Abreviated Literature:

CPPMClavis patristica pseudepigraphorum medii aevi, ed. by Johannes Machielsen (Corpus christianorum. Series Latina), Turnhout 1990-.
Dorfbauer 2014Dorfbauer, Lukas. ‘Neues zu den “Expositiunculae in Evangelium Iohannis evangelistae Matthaei et Lucae” (CPL 240) und ihrem vermeintlichen Autor “Arnobius Iunior”’. Revue bénédictine 124 (2014): 65–102, 261–97.
PLMigne J. P., Patrologiae cursus completus. Series latina, Paris, 1844-1864.
Soage 2020Soage, Javier. ‘A Review of the Contents of Albi, Bibliothèque Municipale, Ms 40’. Revue Bénédictine 130 (2020): 260–90.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'F-b3km: Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. Ser. n. 3754, Fragm. 782b, Fragm. 782c and binding waste in Codd. 1361, 1696; Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Fragm. 47' (https://github.com/ivanadob/mondsee/blob/master/data/descriptions/desc__vr_f-b3km.xml last change: ).