Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 732 (olim: Rec. 3308)

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Libri Maccabaeorum; Epistulae Pauli; Homiliae et sermones

Parchment — 178 fols. — 300 × 210 mm — Mondsee — s. IX

The composite volume contains two main codicological units. The first 63 folios with the biblical text of "Libri Maccabeorum" were written probably in Mondsee in the 13th c. The second part starting on f. 64r and datable to the first half of the 9th c. contains a partial copy of the Pauline letters (reconstructed manuscript Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. Ser. n. 2065) and a collection of homilies.

Support: Modern foliation in pencil on the upper right corner of every recto.

Codicological unit 1 = ff. 1r-63v

Libri Maccabaeorum

Parchment — 63 fols. — Mondsee (?) — s. XIII

1r-63v Libri Maccabaeorum Decorated red initials for the beginning of the Capitula and the books.

Codicological unit 2 = fols. 64-178

Epistulae Pauli; Homiliae et sermones

Parchment — 114 fols. — 300 × 210 mm — Mondsee — s. IX

Support: I8(-1) (ff. 64-70) + II8 ( ff. 71-78) + III8 (ff. 79-86) + IV 8 (ff. 87-94) + V8 (ff. 95-102) + VI8 (ff. 103-110, 2 and 7 singletons) + VII6 (ff. 111-116) + VIII8(ff. 117-124) + IX8-1(ff. 125-131, missing 8) + X (ff. 132-139, 2 and 7 singletons) + XI8-1 (ff. 140-146, missing 1) + XII8 (ff. 147-154) + XIII6 (ff. 155-160) + XIV8 (ff. 161-168, 2 and 7 singletons) + XV8 (ff. 169-176) + 2 single leaves (fols. 177 and 178). Quiremarks in Roman numerals on the last page of the quire (ff. 70v, 78v: II, 86v: III, 94v: IIII, 102v: V, 110v: VI, 139v: VIII, 146v: X, 154v (cut out), 160v: XI, 168v: XII, 176v: XIII). Modern foliation in pencil in the upper right corner of every recto as well as in the lower left corner of every verso.

Layout: Written space: 230 × 148-152 mm ; 21 or 22 lines in two columns with a width of 70 mm mm. Line height: 10-11 mm. Margins: upper 20 mm, lower 45 mm, outer 40 mm, inner 10 mm. Blind ruling on superimposed bifolia, on the innermost bifolium of the quire. Each column with double vertical bounding lines on the outer side; three vertical lines between the columns. Written lines contained within the vertical ones with the exception of the top and bottom lines, which extend between the columns (Mastara formula 2-2-111/0/1-1:J/JJ).

Script: Bischoff, Schreibschule, p. 20: "schwere runde, aufrechte und etwas niedrige Schrift von mehr als einer Hand."

F. 64r Large P-initial zoomorphic. Each letter and sermon opens with a rubric (in red and sometimes green) in Uncial and a 3 to 5-line high ornamental (Flechtornamentik) or zoomorphic (fish motiv) initial in green, yellow and red: 88v, 112r, 115r, 117r, 124v, 130r, 132r, 136r, 141v, 144r, 147r, 150r, 152v, 154v, 157r, 159v, 162v, 166v, 169r, 171r, 175v. Chapters within the letters are highlighted as littera notabilior; on ff. 71r-78v painted with red and green. Chapter numeration in the margin partly coorodated.

As front pastedown serve fragments from a twelfth-century antiphonal (F-qs3x). Two fragments from a twelfth-century missal served as a back pastedown. The two partial leaves were detached and are kept today under shelfmark Fragm. 813 (F-ts3a). As spine linings serve four strips from a thirteenth-century breviary (F-px5m).

History: The manuscript was written in Mondsee in the first half of the ninth century. As exemplar for the Epistulae Pauli served another Mondsee manuscript (Cod. Ser. n. 2065), which is only fragmentary preserved. — The manuscript probably remained in the monastery till the dissolution in 1791, when the whole manuscript collection including this manuscript was transferred to the Court Library (today the Austrian National Library).

Selected literature: Hermann, Julius H. Die frühmittelalterlichen Handschriften des Abendlandes (Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der illuminierten Handschriften in Österreich VIII/1). Leipzig 1923, pp. 174-176. — Bischoff 1980, 20. — Pfaff 1967, 23, 65, 90, 112.

64r-116v Epistulae Pauli

117r-178v Homiliarium

Abreviated Literature:

Bischoff 1980Bischoff, Bernhard. Die südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit. Vol. 2. Die vorwiegend österreichischen Diözesen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1980.
CCSLCorpus christianorum. Series latina, Turnhout 1953-.
CPPMClavis patristica pseudepigraphorum medii aevi, ed. by Johannes Machielsen (Corpus christianorum. Series Latina), Turnhout 1990-.
Pfaff 1967Pfaff, Carl. Scriptorium und Bibliothek des Klosters Mondsee im hohen Mittelalter. Vienna: Böhlau, 1967.
PLMigne J. P., Patrologiae cursus completus. Series latina, Paris, 1844-1864.
PLSHamman A. (ed.), Patrologiae cursus completus. Series latina. Supplementum, Paris 1957-1964.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 732' ( last change: 2023-07-10).