Cambridge MA, Houghton Library MS Typ 694

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Parchment — 1 fols. — 286 × 209 mm — Mondsee (?) — s. VIII2- s. IX1

A leaf from a Uncial manuscript, which probably contained the readings for the Mass from the New Testament Epistles. The script and decoration suggest that the manuscript was a product of the Mondsee scriptorium.

Support: Stain on the inner column on the recto, causing damage tot he script. The leaf was heavily trimmed so that the whole upper margin and the top of the first line of text were cut out.

Layout: Written space: 254 × 172 mm; 25 lines in two columns with a width of 67 mm mm. Line height: 11 mm. The ruling is not visible on the digital facsimile. Reynolds stated that there are four vertical double lines scored on the flesh side (1r) for margins (7 mm wide), and single horizontal lines for the text (Mastara formula 2-2-22/0/0/JJ).

Script: Written in uncial letters in brownish-black ink, with red rubrics. Text written per cola et commata. Punctuation marks include: triangular-pointed colons for major pauses; medial distinction (partly corrected later to punctus elevatus or semicolon) for medial pauses.

Two large decorated initials in black, red, green and yellow including traces of gold.

History: According to Reynolds, the comparison of the script and illumination with that of the Ingolstadt and Nuremberg-New York Gospels suggested that the original manuscript was written in Mondsee at the late eight or early ninth century. — Purchased by Philip Hofer in May 1957 from the London firm of Maggs Brothers Ltd. Maggs bought the fragment from the Leiden dealer Erik von Scherling (see note on the lower margin in pencil: "von Scherling (?). Leaf from italian Lectionarium Uncialis ca. 750 AD". — Acquisition from the collection of Philip Hofer.

Selected literature: R. Reynolds. "An Eighth-Century Uncial Leaf from a Mondsee Liber Comitis (Harvard, Houghton Library MS Typ 694)." In Scire litteras: Forschungen zum mittelalterlichen Geistesleben, pp. 327-332. Munich, 1988. — CLA no. 1868. — B. Bischoff, V. Brown and J.J. John. "Addenda to Codices latini antiquiores (II)." In Mediaeval Studies 54 (1992): 286-307, no. 1868 and plate Ic (recto).

1ra-rb (Reading for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany)redentes prouidentes bona [Rm 12,17] … — … sed uince in bonum malum [Rm 12,21].

1rb-va (Reading for the 4rd Sunday after Epiphany) Dominica IIII post theoplaniam. Lectio ex beati petri apostoli ad romanos Fratres nimini quicquiam debeatis [Rm 13,8] … — … plecis est dilectio [Rm 13,10].

1va-vb Dominica V post theophania. Lectio E B P AP ad hebreos. (Reading for the 5rd Sunday after Epiphany)Fratres considerate apostolum [Hbr 3,1] … — … in domo sua quae domus sumus [Hbr 3,6]

Abreviated Literature:

CLAElias Avery Lowe. Codices Latini Antiquiores. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1917-1971.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'Cambridge MA, Houghton Library MS Typ 694' ( last change: 2021-12-07).