St. Florian, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift, Cod. III 222 A

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XII Prophetae, Isaias, Hieremias

Parchment — 186 fols. — 260 × 180 mm — Mondsee — s. IX1

The manuscript contains the text of the twelve minor prophets followed by Isaiah and Jeremiah. The anthology is preceded by an excerpt from Jerome's letter to Pauline giving a short overview of the main topic of each book. Already in Jerome's time the twelve books of the prophets were written down 'compressed within the narrow limits of a single volume'. Passages from Jonas, Michaeas, Sophonias, Aggaeus, Zacharias, Isaiah and Jeremiah have contemporary annotations suggesting the texts were read in the liturgy.

Support: The manuscript consists mainly of regular quaterniones. Exceptions: the first quire is a ternio; the second has nine leaves (f. 6 is a singleton, possibly originally belonging to the first quire). The eight quire (ff. 55-60), originally a quaternio, lost its 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th and 8th leaf, which were replaced in the 12th century; due to the denser script of the added leaves the quire is now a ternio (f. 56 a singleton placed erroneously after f. 57; f. 60 also a singleton). The last leaf of quire 22 (ff. 164-171) is also a 12th-century replacement for the original leaf; the first leaf of this quire is glued on the stub of f. 171. In quire 23 (ff. 172-181) ff. 178 and 179 make a bifolium (12th century addition) inserted between the 6th and 7th leaf of the quire. The last quire 24 (ff. 182-184) is a binio, f. 182 attached to the pastedown. Formula: 16 (ff. 1-5), 2(8+1) (ff. 6-14), 3-78 (ff. 15-54), 86 (ff. 55-60), 9-228 (ff. 61-171), 2310 (ff. 172-181), 243 (ff. 182-184). Visualisation in VCEditor. Modern foliation in ink in the upper right corner of every recto: 1-163, 163a, 164-184. Gold rests from (?) on fols. 152v, 159r.

Layout: Written space: 210 × 102-103 mm 9 mm Ruled in blind tool on the innermost bifolium of every quire on the flesh side; two double vertical lines (in 9 mm distance) going all the way to the leaf end. Text lines bound within the vertical ones with the exception of the first and last one which crosses them and seems to be drawn on the open bifolium (connected through the gutter). Pricking for the vertical lines on the lower margin mostly preserved. On the sheep/goat quires pricking for text lines preserved only occasionally (fols. 72-73, 112-113) though not really corresponding to the ruled lines (?).

Script: According to Bischoff the manuscript was written by several hands which belong to the type of the Landperht-Homiliarium with the exception of the hand responsible for ff. 159v-160r - which is "unpräzise gebildet". Bischoff recognised the same hand in Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. Ser. n. 3754.Square Capitals for the title on f. Av; Uncial for the title on f. 1r; Capitalis rustica for the rubrication; Uncial for the first text line (as on f. 3r) and for litterae notabiliores, marking minor divisions / major pause / the begin of a sentence within the text; Caroline Minuscule for the main text. Uncial and Capitalis rustica in red used within the text to mark passages. Letter forms: open cc-a; caroline a; y with a point above. Ligatures: ri (sharp edge on the connection and i going low below the line), re, ra, ro, nt, et, ec, ex, est, eri, ct, te, Punctuation: Abbreviation marks: apart from the omnipresent Tironian abbreviation for et, there are few abbreviations mainly by suspension of -bus endings marked by a semicolon sign, and a macron (curled horizontal line) to marked the omission of a final m; more rare -us abbreviation through a semi-circle entered above the line at the end of words; -orum abbreviation.

Musical notations - adiastematic St. Gall neumes - added by a later hand in the Lamentations - sign that the manuscript was used in the liturgy as Lectionarium (see Seipel 1996). Fols. 55, 59, 60, 171, 178 and 179 are twelfth-century additions. 3 to 5-line high initials for the opening of the separate books and prologue in red, yellow and green: 1r, 3r, 12r, 15v, 23r, 24r, 26v, 32r, 34v, 36r, 37r, 42r, 53r, 56v, 116v, 117v, 177v. 19v - initial letters with red

Binding: Gothic binding. White leather over wooden boards. Spine restored.

History: According to the palaeographical analysis the manuscript was written in Mondsee, probably in the second quarter of the ninth century (Bischoff). — The manuscript was at St. Florian at least from the fifteenth century (see ownership notes datable to the fifteenth century on fols. 1r, 90v, 180v: "Iste liber est monasterii sancti floriani pat[aviensis] dyoc[esis]").

Selected literature: Bischoff 1980, 23, 37 — Czerny 1871, p. 248. — Hallinger 1969, here: 214. — Das Monseeland 1981, 452 f. Nr. 11.9 [Kurt Holter]. — Holter 1981, here: 192 and 219 n. 9. — Holter 1988, here: 30, 44; Abb. 39. — Seipel 1996, Kat. Nr. 1.1; Farbabb. S.30. Notice about the musical notations on the Lamentationes. — Flotzinger 1995, here: 58. — Bischoff 2014, 294 Nr. 5465. — Klugseder 2019 XXIII.Nur kurze Notiz dass die Hs aus Mondsee ist, 9. und 11. Jh. mit linienlosen Neumennotation, teilweise. — Klugseder 2012 (short note on the content and music notation: Venite exsultemus (Ir, NN, 13. Jh.), Lamentationes Jeremiae (9. Jh., NN im 1. Viertel des 11. Jhs. nachgetragen)).

Ar (Chants with neums. 11th-century addition.) Rege regis dominum

Av (Table of content to the XII prophets) "I. Isaias, II. Hieremias XV. Malachias, XVI […]"

1r-2v Hieronymus: Epistulae, 3, 53, 8 Av In dei nomine incipit prologus XII prophetarum (Prolog to the Prophetae) Duodecim prophetare [!] me in unius uoluminis angustias coartatim [!] … — Explicit Prologus Hieronimi. (An excerpt from Jeromes' letter to Paulinus, bishop of Nola, giving a succinct overview on the topics covered in the Twelve minor prophets, and the four prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.)

2v-3r Hieronymus: In XII prophetas praefatio Incipit prologus XII prophetarum Aput hebreos qui et aput nos unde secundum … — … titulos prophetauerunt. Explicit prologus XII prophetae. Stegmüller 500 (The commentary begins normally with "Non est idem ordo duodecim prophetarum apud hebreos ...")

3r-12r Book of Osee Uerbum domini quod factum est ad osee filium … — … corruent in eis. Finit. Explicit osae prophetae.

12r-15v Book of Joel Incipit johel prophetae Uerbum domini quod factum est ad iohel filium … — … commorabitur in sion. Explicit iohel propheta.

15v-22v Book of Amos Incipit amos prophaeta Uerba amos qui fuit in pastoralibus … — … dicit dominus deus tuus. Explicit amos propheta. (Annotation: 22v In die illo suscitabo […] [Am 9,11] marked as reading "In aduentu")

23r-24r Book of Abdias 22vIncipit abdias propheta Haec dicit dominus deus ad aedom … — … et erit domino regnum. Explicit abdias propheta.

24r-26r Book of Jonas Incipit ionas prophaeta. Et factum est uerbum domini ad ionam … — … et iumenta multa Explicit ionas propheta. (Annotation: 25r Et factum est uerbum domini […] [Ion 3,1] marked as reading "In caput quadragesimae")

26v-32r Book of Michaeas Incipit micha propheta Uerbum domini quod factum est ad miham … — … patribus nostris a diebus antiquis. Explicit micha propheta. (Annotations:


32r-34r Book of Nahum Incipit naum prophaeta. Onus nineue liber uisionis naum helcesei … — … non transiuit malitia tua semper. Explicit naum prophaetae. (Annotations:


34v-37r Book of Habacuc 34rIncipit abbacuch prophaeta Onus quod uidit abbacuch propaeta usquequo domine … — … uictor in psalmis canentem. Explicit abbacuc prophaeta. (Annotations:

) (The third chapter with separate initial rubrics "Oratio abbacuc propheta pro ig[norantiis]".)

37r-40r Book of Sophonias Incipit sofonias prophaeta. Uerbum domini quod factum est ad sofoniam … — … coram oculis uestris dicit dominus. Amen. Explicit sofonias prophaeta. (Annotations:


40r-42r Book of Aggaeus Incipit aggeus prophaeta In anno secundo dari regis … — … dicit dominus exercituum. Explicit aggeus prophaetae. (


42r-53r Book of Zacharias Incipit zacharias prophaeta In mense octauo in anno secundo … — … in die illo. Amen. Explicit zacharias propheta. (Passages marked as readings during office:


53r-55v Book of Malachias Incipit malachim prophaeta Onus uerbi domini in israhel in mani malachim. Dilexi uos … — … et percutiam terram anathemate. Amen. (The end preserved on a 12th-century replacement leaf.)

55v-56r Hieronymus: In Isaias propheta [N] emo cum prophetas uersibus uiderit esse descriptos … — … ecclesiis eius diutius insultarent. Explicit prologus sancti hieronimi presbuteri.

56r-116v Book of Isaiah Incipit esaias propheta 56vUisio esaiae filii amos quam uidim super iudam … — … uisionis omni carni. Explicit Esaias prophaeta. (Passages marked as readings during liturgy:


116v-117r Hieronymus: Prologus in libro Hieremiae prophetae Incipit prologus hieremias prophetae Hieremias prophaeta cui prologus hic scribitur … — … insaniam prouocare. Explicit prologus.

117r-177v, 180r-181r Book of Jeremiah Incipit corpus libri hieremiae prophetae 117vUerba hieremiae filii helchie … — … cunctis diebus uitae eius

() (Fol. 171 12th-century replacement, follows the end of fol. 170v but text ends on fol. 171v leaving 3/4 of the page blank and missing text between Jer 43,11 [Ier 43,11] and Jer 49,36 [Ier 49,36].)

178r-179v Paralipomena of Jeremiah Exemplum epistulae quam misit hieremias ad adductos … — … erit longe ab obprobriis (Foll. 178-179 later 12th-century addition)

181r-184v Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae Lamentatio hieremiae prophetae quod in titulo chinoht cum absolutione litterarum hebraicarum. Et factum est postquam … — … Gaude et laetare filia edom quae (With neumes.)

Abreviated Literature:

Bischoff 1980Bischoff, Bernhard. Die südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit. Vol. 2. Die vorwiegend österreichischen Diözesen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1980.
Bischoff 2014Bischoff, Bernhard. Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts : (mit Ausnahme der wisigotischen). Vol. 3. Padua-Zwickau. 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014.
Czerny 1871Czerny, A. Die Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek St. Florian. Linz, 1871.
Das Monseeland 1981Das Mondseeland. Geschichte und Kultur. Ausstellung des Landes Oberösterreich, 8. Mai bis 26. Oktober 1981. Kirche und ehemaliges Stift Mondsee (Heimatmuseum Mondsee). Hrsg.: Land Oberösterreich. Schriftleitung: Dietmar Straub. Linz 1981.
Flotzinger 1995Flotzinger, Rudolf. "Geistliche Kultur im Mittelalter." In Musikgeschichte Österreichs I: Von den Anfängen zum Barock. Ed. by R. Flotzinger and G. Gruber. Vienna, 1995.
Hallinger 1969Hallinger, Kassius. "Das Kommentarfragment zu Regula Benedicti IV aus der ersten Hälfte des 8. Jahrhunderts." Wiener Studien N. F. 3 = 82 (1969): 211-232.
Holter 1981Holter, Kurt. "Die Buchkunst im Kloster Mondsee." In Das Mondseeland. Geschichte und Kultur. Ausstellung des Landes Oberösterreich, 8. Mai bis 26. Oktober 1981. Kirche und ehemaliges Stift Mondsee (Heimatmuseum Mondsee). Hrsg.: Land Oberösterreich. Schriftleitung: Dietmar Straub. Linz 1981, 185-221. -- Wiederabgedruckt in: Holter 1996, II 785-833.
Holter 1988Holter, Kurt. Bibliothek und Archiv: Handschriften und Inkunabeln, in: Die Kunstsammlungen des Augustiner-Chorherrenstiftes St. Florian (Österreichische Kunsttopographie 48). Wien 1988, 29-92 u. Abb.
Klugseder 2012Klugseder, Robert. ‘Mittelalterliche musik-liturgische Quellen aus dem Augustinerchorherrenkloster St. Florian’. Musicologica Austriaca 31 (2012): 13–82.
Klugseder 2019Klugseder, Robert. Der Liber ordinarius Pataviensis. Eine kritische Edition des mittelalterlichen Regelbuchs der Diözese Passau. Unter Mitarbeit von Gionata Brusa (Codices Manuscripti & Impressi. Supplementum 13). Purkersdorf 2019.
Seipel 1996Die Botschaft der Musik. 1000 Jahre Musik in Österreich. Hrsg. v. Wilfried Seipel. Eine Ausstellung des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien im Palais Harrach, 28. Oktober 1996 bis 1. April 1997. Wien 1996.

How to quote: IvanaDobcheva, 'St. Florian, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift, Cod. III 222 A' ( last change: 2023-02-15).